perm filename NWOR[AM,DBL]2 blob sn#526703 filedate 1980-08-01 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: NWOROKNEI		Race: Human   Female 	
C00005 00003	Thanks for running yesterday that was a lot of fun.  
C00009 00004	Name: LEMON	 Elven   Female 	
C00013 00005	Name: HOMAR	 Hobbit  Female 	
C00015 00006	Name: DWOMAR	 Dwarf  Female 	
C00017 ENDMK
Name: NWOROKNEI		Race: Human   Female 	
ST: 8   DX:  8	  IQ: 18
Job: Courtesan		Pay: 195		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Dagger (old)
	2 whips  (with wrist tethers)
Armor protection: (total 8)
	Plate armor (weighs 25kg)
	Tower shield (weighs 15kg)
Talents:  Sex Appeal, Courtly Graces, Charisma,
	Bard, Recognize Value, Assess Value, New Followers,
	Master Bard, Whip, Tactics, Business Sense, Shield
Learning: Knife, Word of Command (obey), Diplomacy
Total weight carried: 25kg, plus a 15kg shield.  DX-2; MA44.
On mule: old set of black leather armor.
	Heavy Crossbow (w/ cranequin)
	300' rope, 10 torches, 10 waterskins w/water
	Shop for/make: 10 gags, 10 sacks, 1 lab kit, 1 backpack, 1 crowbar $100
		get 20 days' rations x partysize (prob. 20x10x$5=1k)
3/4 Gets job. Pay is $195. Risk 4/17.
4/1 Gets whip for half price, one for full price, one cranequin, tower shield.
	10ep.  $390 - 15 - 30 - 30 - 70 = 245.
4/2 Gets plate armor for half price. 10 ep. Lvs. $190.
4/3 Fights Jim's hobbit. 10+67= 77ep. 190 + 22 +195 = $407.
4/4 Tries to get magic protection unsuccessfully. $602.
5/1 Goes into main arena. $797.  Gains 40+5+30(app)EPs; new total is about 150.
	Gains a new point, in IQ (now 17), and takes Shield skill. About $810.
5/2, 5/3, 5/4 Search unsucccessfully for 3 magic items at a time.
6/1, 6/2, 6/3 Futile expedition trying to find lair. Pick up Fila and IQ18.
	Finances: $1600 cash; owe $440 to Steve's lizard armorer eventually.
6/4 Fort & Town.  Tries to get job (if fail: try master bard 2nd week)
	Sends Fila out to get temporary job as town wizard (75/wk)
	Others can see if police need some temp help for a few weeks.
	Try to find master armorer and commission a +2 fine dagger (or 2)
	Look in the FORT for him, rather than in the town.
	Have Fila make a new staff out of a dagger-sized pice of wood.
	Look for healing potions.

Thanks for running yesterday; that was a lot of fun.  
Before you and I forget the details of last night, here are a
couple of places where Nworoknei may have gotten a few extra EPs:
(1) just to LOCATE Fila, I think you made a 5 (or 4 or 6) IQ roll
	(we never counted in that roll)
(2) the two rolls to not be lost in the woods that she made may
	have been 6 die rolls, not 5.  At least they SOUNDED hard.
	(We counted them as 2 5-die rolls for EP purposes last night)

Merle enjoyed Melee, but would like to "get there" already -- apparently
the density of gems per square meter is not high enough in the wilderness.
Can we in fact run the hiring of a naturalist/woodsman, and the
"getting there", staggered over the next ten days?  Presumably we would
try to avoid trouble, as we did on all but one occasion last night,
and if there were a real battle we could pick up there next time; if
not, we would be at the bandit lair.

I will send notes around to other folk, and try to get a consensus on
our plan of action.  


Glad you all could make it yesterday.  I trust that Jean had a good time.
Merle enjoyed Melee, but would like to "get there" already -- apparently
the density of gems per square meter is not high enough in the wilderness.
Perhaps we can run the hiring of a naturalist/woodsman, and the
"getting there", staggered over the next ten days?  Presumably we would
try to avoid trouble, as we did on all but one occasion last night,
and if there were a real battle we could pick up there next time; if
not, we would be at the bandit lair.

We should reach some consensus on our plan of action in the village.
Staying 3 weeks will let Arel heal to full strength, let us shop, hire, etc.
Presumably the courtesan, the physicer, and the fisherman can try to
get jobs.  Others can work as unskilled labor, if nothing else,
and spend some spare time looking for woodsmen and naturalists.
Anyone finding such a character could then schedule an appointment
with "the party", for the following dinner, say, for us to interview
him or her, and try to get them to come along.  Before leaving town,
we will have to buy rations (about $1000 worth), and shoud have the
naturalist go over the map with a literate person.  One further
possible addition would be a thiefly type; how do you feel about that?


Name: LEMON	 Elven   Female 	
ST: 5   DX:  12	  IQ: 16    MA: 12
Job: Town Wizard	Pay: 120		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Silver Dagger
Armor protection: (total 3)
	Leather armor (weighs 7kg)
	Small shield (weighs 5kg)
Talents:  Tactics (2), Business Sense (4), Human Tongue (1), Sex Appeal (2)
Spells: Staff of Power, Enchant, Illusion 7, Analyze magic,
	Create/destroy elemental, Teleport, Persuasiveness
Learning: Word of Command "surrender" (1), Shield (2), Literacy (1)
Total weight carried: 7.1kg, plus a 5kg shield.
Left home: old set of cloth armor.
As of the end of week 4/4: 90ep, about $2600.
	Got a small +1 DX fine silver rod, with a dagger handle on it, for $1k.
5/1-4: Began enchanting my staff to +2 damage.  Failed 5/2 roll; made 5/4.
	Buy +3 leather for 2k, sell it for $12k.
	4 weekly expenses (50+50+40+30) total $680. Leaves $13920.
	EPs: 90 + 80 (4x20 ench) + 10 (bus sense) + 40 (locate seller/buyer).
	IQ goes up to 17.  EPs at end of 5/4 are thus about 85.
6/1:	Continue enchanting the rod to +2 (no roll this week)
	At beginning of week, Jerry's wizard glamors Lemon and her two
	apprentices into different-looking folk (no race change, etc.)
	$60 is paid to Jerry's wizard.
	During the week: Interview high-IQ mages;  try to find 
	 (i)  an IQ18 one who will make me a Stone Flesh ring; 
	 (ii) an IQ14 one who knows Enchant (and pref. has high DX), willing
		to enchant, starting in a week; Lemon will furnish
		room, board, apprentices; she and he will split the final
		selling price of the item OR he will just be paid $150/wk.
	Note: if any successful rolls, IQ goes up to 18 at end of this week
6/2:	Roll for rod enchantment. EPs raise IQ to 18 at end of this week in any case.
	Look for (i) and (ii) if eithe or both are unfound. 
	Try to find +4 armor of any kind ($8k), then sell it.
6/3:	If rod is done, start making it into staff of power.
	Meanwhile, new wizard starts enchanting +1 s. shield and +1 l. armor.
Name: HOMAR	 Hobbit  Female 	
ST: 4   DX:  12	  IQ: 14    MA: 10
Job: Town Wizard	Pay: 120		Risk: 4/17
Weapons carried:
	Bronze Dagger, 24 ShaKen
Armor protection: (total 1)
	Cloth armor
Talents:  Tactics (2), Human Tongue (1), Literacy (1), Thrown Weapons (4),
	Sha-Ken (2)
Spells: Enchant, Illusion (4HEX; hence knows 1HEX too), Lightening
Learning: Knife (2), Shield (2), Scholar (6)

ADX normally  11
With ShaKen   16 (11+3+2);  10 if targeted for marksmanship.  Each does 1d6-1.
Thrown Dagger 12 (11+3+2-4).  The bronze dagger does 1d6.
Lightening    14 (11+3)
HandToHand    15  Doing 1d6-2 damage.  <-- should probably DisEngage
HandToHand holding bronze dagger: 11  Doing 1d6 damage.

Name: DWOMAR	 Dwarf  Female 	
ST: 12  DX:  11	  IQ: 9     MA: 10
Job: Mercenary		Pay: 75 		Risk: 5/16
Weapons carried:
	M. Pick (2d6+1), Dagger, Light Crossbow (2d6 every round)
Armor protection: (total 1)
	Small shield
Talents:  Ax/Mace (2), Human Tongue (1), Detect Traps (2), Missle (3), Crossbow (1)
Learning: Literacy (1), Knife (1), Tracking (1)

ADX normally  11
With crossbow 14